The world as it is: Economic Systems and Ideologies

Code: 9788595371378-1

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Every day we hear words like socialism, capitalism, communism, liberalism etc. But what do these actually mean for people’s lives?
Humans live in society and, in order to do this, they need to organize themselves socially, politically and economically. So it’s necessary to discuss what the economic system is (the way that society produces) and ideologies (what underpins the way this society is organized).
Regardless of the reader’s opinion, there will always be a method of production and an ideology. That’s why we have such an important role to play here.
Renato Moreira, in THE WORLD AS IT IS: Economic Systems and Ideologies, proposes in this investigative book to address how economic systems and ideologies have progressed from the beginning of humanity to the present day. Understanding the past is important for answering the question: What kind of world do we want to live in?

The editors

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Peso 2 kg
Dimensões 14 × 2 × 21 cm