The history of brazilian football: from the first championships to the club world cup

Code: 9788595371378-1-1

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When we talk about Brazilian football, we immediately think of the “Country of Football”. And that has become a trademark. Because the quality we have achieved in this sport is so high. In fact, many of our players go on to play abroad, with an emphasis on European football. And if our best players are playing out of Brazil, it’s because the rest of the world recognizes our talent.
We would like to point out that, in addition to the historical description in this book, we will also use an argumentative approach. We believe that describing historical facts and giving an opinion at the same time is also one way of clarifying them. Furthermore, the aim of the book is to understand how Brazilian football evolved since the first championships, and to recover some competitions that may have been overlooked. And that makes all the difference in understanding and enhancing the history of our main clubs. In this way, the reader/fan will understand the dimension that football has in our lives.

The editors

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Peso 2 kg
Dimensões 14 × 2 × 21 cm